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Brasília, DF, Brazil
Mostra de Estética,Beleza,Saúde e Cosmetologia

segunda-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2010

What's the easiest way of getting there on public transport?

  • Way = method.
  • The easiest / best way of doing something. The most simple / most effective method of doing something.
  • E.g. the best way of learning English is to live in England for a year.
  • Public transport - this is the simplest way of saying by bus, train, or underground.
  • Get there = arrive there.
  • Of getting there: this is an example of preposition + gerund.
  • ...Of getting there. ...Of travelling there.
  • The easiest is an example of a superlative. Easy / easier / easiest.
  • Adjective / comparative / superlative.
This sentence is an example of superlatives, houses, renting a flat.

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