Quem sou eu

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Brasília, DF, Brazil
Mostra de Estética,Beleza,Saúde e Cosmetologia

segunda-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2010

Are you registered with a GP?

You have had an accident and have gone to A&E - the accidents and emergencies department - at the hospital.

A nurse asks you: 'Are you registered with a GP?'

GP is short for General Practitioner and means a doctor who typically works in a small, local clinic, not a hospital.

Are you registered with a GP? means 'who is your doctor?'

If you are only visiting the UK, the answer will probably be 'no.'

If you do have a doctor, say 'yes' and tell the nurse his or her name.

If you'd like to get a GP, you need to go to a clinic and say 'I'd like to register with a doctor, please.'

You go to your GP if you are feeling unwell.

You only go to A&E if you have a real medical emergency, like you have just cut your finger off, for example.

This is an example of a passive sentence: to be + past participle.

Are you + registered...? It's easier than asking 'did you go to a clinic and register with a doctor?'

This sentence is an example of medical, passive voice (get), information on britain.

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