1. É por sua conta, é com você: To be up to you Ex: I´ll get the food ,but the drinks are up to you. (Eu vou arrumar a comida, mas a bebida é por sua conta.) Ex: I´ll call everyone, but the rest is up to you. (Eu vou ligar para todo mundo, mas o resto é com você.) 2. Temperamental: Moody Ex: He´s quite moody at work. (Ele é bastante temperamental no trabalho.) Ex: Women are moody. (As mulheres são temperamentais.) 3. Colocar alguém no paredão (exigir resposta, explicação): Nail sb down Ex: She nailed him down. (Ela o colocou no paredão.) 4. Surto(de doença): Outbreak Ex: There is an outbreak of Dengue Fever in Rio de Janeiro. (Há um surto de dengue no Rio de Janeiro.) 5. Vávula de escape (maneira de aliviar): Outlet Ex: It seemed it was her outlet for stress. (Isto parecia ser sua válvula de escape para o stress.) 6. Conciliar: Combine Ex: He finds it difficult to combine a career and family. (Ele acha difícil conciliar uma carreira com uma família.) 7. Fazer pesquisa de preços, comparar preços: Shop around Ex: Shop around before you buy. (Pesquise e compare antes de comprar.) 8. Põe difícil, barato, etc nisso: Talk about difficult, cheap, etc. Ex: She´s angry. Talk about angry . She´s tried to punch him.(Ela está nervosa. Põe nervosa nisso. Ela tentou dar um soco nele.) 9. Marqueteiro político: Spin doctor Ex: They hired a spin doctor. (Eles contrataram um marqueteiro.) 10. Pergunta: Question Ex: The question that won´t go away. (A pergunta que não quer calar.) 11. Ficar fora de casa, na rua: Stay out Ex: He stayed out all night. (Ele ficou na rua a noite toda.) 12. Embromar, enrolar: String along Ex: She´s just stringing you along. She´ll never call you. (Ela só está de enrolando. Nunca vai te ligar.) 13. Ser igual a falar com a parede: Be like talking to a brick wall Ex: Talking to you is like talking to a brick wall. (Falar com você é igual falar com as paredes.) |
segunda-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2010
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- I think I may have sprained or broken my wrist. I'...
- How much notice do you need for moving out?
- Are you registered with a GP?
- Is it near the tube? Is it on a bus route?
- Does the rent include bills?
- How much is the deposit? Do you need references?
- And you? What’s your learning styleI am a visual l...
- Frases de situações reais
- What's the easiest way of getting there on public ...
- When can I come and see it?
- I'm calling about the flat-share. Is the room stil...
- We're looking to rent a two-bedroom flat.
- was surfing the net and I found a great website.
- Why don't you google it?
- I was on the Internet for two hours last night.
- I need to upgrade from dial-up to a broadband conn...
- These days I generally text people rather than mak...
- Jim's mobile must be switched off. I just got his ...
- I spend loads of time chatting on MSN.
- I'm going to upload some photos to my website.
- I've just downloaded a new ring tone for my mobile...
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