Quem sou eu

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Brasília, DF, Brazil
Mostra de Estética,Beleza,Saúde e Cosmetologia

segunda-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2010

I've just downloaded a new ring tone for my mobile phone.

  • To download. This means to take something from the Internet (a document, a song, a photo) and install it (put it / save it) on your computer / phone.
  • Ring tone. The noise your mobile phone makes to tell you someone is calling you..
  • Phones generally don't just go 'ring ring' these days.
  • They often play a song.
  • Mobile phone. The phone you carry in your pocket.
  • In the USA people usually 'cell phone.' (Cell is pronounced sell.)
This sentence is an example of telephones, computers, technology.

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