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Brasília, DF, Brazil
Mostra de Estética,Beleza,Saúde e Cosmetologia

sexta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2010

Have you ever had this? It's a traditional local dish.


  • Maybe your friend Jim, from England, is visiting you in your country.
  • You are in a restaurant.
  • You ask him: 'Have you ever had this?' This is the present perfect tense.
  • The structure is have + subject + ever + past participle. (have / had / had - an irregular verb.)
  • Ever means at any time (in your life.)
  • Had means eaten. (Eat / ate / eaten - another irregular verb.)
  • You are asking if Jim has eaten, at any time in his life, this (sushi, for example.)
  • Traditional local dish. This is food made to a particular recipe and which is typical of a particular country or area.
  • For example, Paella is a traditional Spanish dish.
This sentence is an example of food, present perfect tense, restaurants.

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