Quem sou eu

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Brasília, DF, Brazil
Mostra de Estética,Beleza,Saúde e Cosmetologia

domingo, 24 de janeiro de 2010

Could you ask him to call me back, please? He can reach me at 7644156.


  • You are trying to talk to Mr. Jones on the phone, but the receptionist tells you that he is not at work today.
  • S/he also asks you if you want to leave a message.
  • Could you...please? This is the polite way of making requests.
  • Call me back. When you see the word back with any verb, it means return.
  • You called him, now he has to return the call - call you back.
  • He can reach me at… This expression means that if he calls (this number) he will find me.
This sentence is an example of telephones, business.

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